Sunday, January 11, 2015

Causes of Depression in Women Due to Social Reasons

Many research studies that are conducted to identify the reasons behind depression in women have found that social factors are a major contributor. Females are twice as likely to develop depression because of social factors as their male counterparts. Some of the main reasons of depression among women that are caused by social factors will be discussed in this article.
Some of the main causes of depression in women which are of social reasons are: the impact of their role in the society and the high expectations from the people around them, unequal power status in relation to gender profiling, sexual or physical abuse, unhealthy relationships with their family or friends, and lastly it may be due to financial problems. 
A female frequently develops depression due to the stress of their role in society and conflicting overwhelming responsibilities as she might be overly burdened to maintain her role as a mother, wife or a working woman at a same time. Single women are at an especially high risk because frequently they may get little help to take care of their home and career together. In comparison to married women, single mothers about three times more likely to face major depression.
On the other hand women who have been working very hard to make their way in a society ruled by men go through a cycle of depression due to feeling powerless or helpless. This state of mind can put women at great risk of depression which can be provoked by gender discrimination either in the workplace or in their homes. Sexual or physical abuse also makes females vulnerable to a high state of depression. Girls are much more likely to be sexually abused than boys and abuse at a young age generally causes depression later in life. Statistics shows that rape crimes against females have increased dramatically in most parts of the world due to frustration from economic and political reasons.

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