Sunday, January 11, 2015

Acai Berry - A Rain Forest Secret

Scientists believe that the tropical rain forests of the world harbour many secrets, good and bad. Some say that there are probably many viruses in remaining rain forests that could be unleashed by human destruction of these valuable resources. That is the potential bad side. But there is definitely a good side to the rain forest secrets. One of those is the Acai berry.
I now live in Palawan, in the south west Philippines, where much of what is left of the Philippine rain forest is found. I am sure there are a few secrets here yet to be "discovered". Two years ago I had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman who a friend told me was a herbalist, who relied on the rainforests for his medicine. People who had diseases the doctors had given up on would go to him, and, I am told, his treatments would bring relief. The remarkable thing about this gentleman is that when I met him, he seemed like a very fit, lithe and healthy 65 year old who looked 58. It turned out he was 100 years old. So I wonder what rain forest secrets that man knows? 
The Acai berry is a secret of the Amazon, not Palawan. At least, that has been the case up until recently, but more is becoming known now about the acai berry. Today there are more and more people discovering the health enhancing properties of this food from the Amazon which is rich in nutrients.
The dark purple acai berry is very rich in several important nutrients, including those antioxidant vitamins we need so much in modern living.  The acai berry grows naturally on the top of the palm trees found in the rain forests of Brazil and the Amazon.  The fruit of the acai is harvested by local Amazonian farmers, and itr is then used to make a fruit "bulb". This is then rapidly frozen to preserve the nutritional value of the acai.

The Hidden Powers of Acai Berries

Acai berries have many highly nutricious and beneficial ingredients. One is anthocyanins, of which the acai has very high concentrations.  Anthocyanins are what is thought to give red wine its many health benefits.  In addition, the acai berry contains good concentrations of protein and fibre. Another major benefit is the healthy omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, which are considered important to a healthy heart.
With so much going for it, it is easy to see why the humble acai berry, with the pulp of this fruit, has been increasing in popularity so steadily.  People concerned about their good health have long been searching for a ready source of antioxidants, protein, fiber and fatty acids, and the little acai berry contains all these important elements and more. How's that for a little secret of the Amazon rain forest? 
There are many places where you can purchase acai berries and the juice that is often made from them.  These sources include local health food stores, and whole food retailers.  As the acai berry continues to grow in popularity, it is likely that even supermarkets will eventually sell the acai fruit products.  For the time being, however, the acai berry and juiceit is mostly confined to specialist, health and organic stores.
Also, there are also some internet retailers which sell products made from the acai berry.  Such products include the fresh frozen juice made from the rich pulp of the acai berry. This is one of the most nutritious products you can find made from the antioxidant rich acai.

Choose Your Acai Products Carefully

If you are shopping for acai berry products, it is essential to buy only from the most reliable suppliers. If the acai berry is not harvested and packaged properly, it will lose its nutritional value.  It is critical that the acai berry be wild harvested, and even more important that it be quickly frozen to retain its nutrient values.  Acai products that have been left on the shelf too long, or those whcih were not packaged properly will lose some or much of their health benefits.
There are, however, a number of quality manufacturers who sell a wide variety of acai berry products. Their acai berries have been harvested and packaged using the traditional methods of the farmers of Brazil and the Amazon.  Those traditional farmers have been harvesting the acai berries for many years, and they know how to harvest, freeze and package them to retain their nutritional value, plus of course their good taste.

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