is one of the most precious commodities that is achieved from within. However
some people find it hard to be happy in their life. This can be attributed
to many factors such as psychological, behavioral or social. But the most
common among women in particular is biological aspects. In this article
the main causes of depression that arise from biological factors are discussed.
there are four kinds of symptoms of depression in women due to biological
reasons. These are premenstrual problems, Pregnancy problems or infertility,
postpartum depression and pre-menopause and menopause.
problems or PMS symptoms are when a women gets fatigue, irritability, bloating
and emotional reactivity which is caused by hormonal fluctuations in between
menstrual cycles. Such types of depressions are mild in nature for many women
though for some it might be very hard to deal with. If it is not mild, one
should consult their doctor because it could be premenstrual dysphoric disorder
or PMDD.
changes during pregnancy are one of the common reasons women get
depressed, This could lead to problems during the pregnancy and after the baby
is born. Issues relating to miscarriage, unwanted pregnancy and infertility are
also major causes of depression.
biological cause of depression in women is when they become new mothers and
experience difficulty in taking care of their child. This form of depression is
called postpartum depression which is partially influenced by hormonal
fluctuations and a lack of sleep caused by a new baby needing constant
attention around the clock.
frequent cause of depression in women is menopause which typically starts in
thier late forties or early fifties, but can happen earlier. This is a natural
process where the ovaries eventually cease producing eggs. During this time
there are major hormonal fluctuations and an increased risk of depression.
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