Friday, August 10, 2012

Lifestyle advice for healthy pregnant women

There are a number of things you can do to stay healthy while you are pregnant. Your midwife or doctor can tell you more about them.

You should be able to carry on working during your pregnancy, but your midwife or doctor will ask about your job to see whether the work you do could be putting you or your baby in danger. The Health and Safety Executive ( can give you more information about possible occupational hazards. Your doctor or midwife should also give you information about your maternity rights and benefits.

You can continue or start moderate exercise before or during your pregnancy. Some vigorous activities, however, such as contact sports or racquet games, may carry extra risks such as falling or putting too much strain on your joints. You should avoid scuba diving while you are pregnant because this can cause problems in the developing baby.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you should try to avoid alcohol completely in the first 3 months of pregnancy because there may be an increased risk of miscarriage. If you choose to drink while you are pregnant, you should drink no more than 1 or 2 UK units of alcohol once or twice a week. There is uncertainty about how much alcohol is safe to drink in pregnancy, but at this low level there is no evidence of any harm to the unborn baby.
You should not get drunk or binge drink (drinking more than 7.5 UK units of alcohol on a single occasion) while you are pregnant because this can harm your unborn baby.

Smoking increases the risk of your baby being underweight or being born too early – in both instances, your baby’s health may be affected. You will reduce these risks if you can give up smoking or at least smoke less, while you are pregnant. You and your baby will benefit if you can give up, no matter how late in your pregnancy.

If you need it, your midwife or doctor should offer you information, advice and support to help you ideally give up or at least cut down on smoking, or to stay off it if you have recently given up.

The effects of cannabis on the unborn baby are uncertain. However, if you use cannabis, it may be harmful to your baby.

Sexual activity
There is no evidence that sexual activity is harmful while you are pregnant.

When you travel by car you should always wear a three-point seatbelt above and below your bump, not over it. If you are planning to travel abroad you should talk to your midwife or doctor, who should tell you more about flying, vaccinations and travel insurance. The risk of deep vein thrombosis from travelling by air may be higher when you are pregnant. Your midwife or doctor can tell you more about how you can reduce your risk by wearing correctly fitted compression stockings.

Prescription and over-the-counter medicines
Only a few prescription and over-the-counter medicines have been shown to be safe for pregnant women by good-quality studies.
While you are pregnant, your doctor should only prescribe medicines where the benefits are greater than the risks. You should use as few over-the-counter medicines as possible.

Complementary therapies
Few complementary therapies have been established as being safe and effective during pregnancy.

Courtesy: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

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